Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Late Bronze Age: 1550-1200BC

The Late Bronze Age is characterized by new demographics. These include an almost total abandonment of the rural areas and an increase is the coastal regions. Also during this period, Egypt saw an increase of power and control of regions, especially Palestine and Syria. Living conditions declined for most people while there became a concentration of power and wealth into the hands of an elite group. Archaeological evidence for this concentration of power and wealth includes large "patrician" houses or "governor" mansions and increased trade. Egyptian control can not only be seen by these large mansions but also by the fact that most Palestinian sites during this period were unfortified. Furthermore two very important innovations and changes occured during this period as well: the development of the alphabet by the Phoenicians and it may have been the first time to speak of a people called "Israel".

One of the most prominent finds from the LBA is Merneptah's stela. This find is especially important in dealing with the problem of the "Exodus" out of Egypt. The stela has been dated to the fifth year of Merneptah's reign and contains a hymn celebrating the pharaoh's victory over his enemies. What experts find most interesting is the mention of "Israel" within the hymn. This is the earliest reference to "Israel" as a commmunity. Although this is believed to be the earliest reference, most experts actually believe it to be irrelevant to the question of whether there was an Israelite "exodus" from Egypt as told in the Bible.

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